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Blessed Christopher Wharton Catholic Academy Trust


Admissions Arrangements

Choosing a Catholic School – Information for Parents

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions that you will make on behalf of your child.There are 79 primary schools and 12 secondary schools providing a total of 29,500 school places across the Diocese of Leeds. Overall there is sufficiency of places in our schools for every catholic applicant, however in some areas of the Diocese our schools are oversubscribed. Therefore In choosing a catholic school for your child please consult the guidance below. This will maximise your chances of obtaining a place in one of our schools. To find your nearest Catholic school please click here.

Schools across the Diocese have adopted a model Diocesan admissions policy which includes a consistent set of oversubscription criteria.  If you are considering applying for a place at a Catholic school for your child it is important that you visit the website of the school to read the school-specific policy. Additionally each school will be able to advise on their defined area, (which is usually linked to parish areas) and for secondary schools, the feeder primary schools. There may be some local variations to this policy however in all cases Baptised Catholic children will be given priority over Non Catholic children. Websites for each of our schools can be found here.

The school will require evidence of Baptism of the child (usually a baptismal certificate) to apply the oversubscription criteria. There is no requirement to obtain a supporting letter from the parish priest to confirm mass attendance as this is not a criteria in the admissions policy of our schools.

For further guidance on applying for a school place see  admissions guidance for parents.

Primary Model Admissions Policy 2023.doc

Secondary Model Admission Policy 2023.doc

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