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Blessed Christopher Wharton Catholic Academy Trust

Feast day: March 28th 

Blessed Christopher Wharton


Christopher Wharton was born very close to Myddelton Grange in 1542 and eventually studied at Oxford.  Influenced by others, he converted to Catholicism and left the country to study for the priesthood in 1583.  He was ordained in Rheims in 1586 and returned in great secrecy to Yorkshire where he worked as a priest. 

Always ‘on the run’, he was given shelter by Mrs Eleanor Hunt at Ripley, near Knaresborough.  They were both caught and arrested in 1599 and condemned to death in 1600 at York.  Mrs Hunt was reprieved and died in prison.  Fr. Wharton was hung, drawn and quartered on 28th March 1600. 

Attempts were made to make him abandon his faith, but he maintained that he came back to England to offer his life for the Faith and to save souls.  

His severed head was put on one of the gates of York, but was rescued by Catholics, who kept it safe in Knaresborough.  Later, this area was served by Benedictine priests who eventually took the skull into safe keeping at Downside Abbey near Bath.  402 years after his death, Blessed Christopher’s skull was returned to this place by the Abbot of Downside, at the dedication of the chapel of St. Mary & St. Margaret Clitheroe. 

The Motto 

 Lumine Christi

'The Light of Christ'

Guided by the Light of Christ, our family of schools will strive for excellence, creating thriving Catholic learning communities where each person can fulfil their God given potential.


Faith is to trust. Faith helps us grow in friendships with Jesus and his friendship helps us become the best we can be by becoming more like him. Growing in friendship with Jesus means learning to trust him and knowing that he is always with us. Faith in our schools is always open to new things because if you have faith you are a trusting person. A person of faith believes in God and all that God has done. But faith is not simply a belief that something is true, it is a way of living. We are called not only to keep the faith but to live a faithful life filled with hope and love.


You put other people's needs before your own. You want to make a difference to their lives. You look for ways to help others rather than waiting to be asked. You always follow the "golden rule" to treat others with the respect and kindness that you want for yourself.


We all do something that needs to be done even when it is hard to do or you are scared to do it. Even though you are afraid, you overcome your fear and do the right thing. You know you can count on God's help and so you are never alone.


The story behind the Logo

The Font

The chosen font is called 'Human'. This represents our belief that God made the world and precious human life, the whole human person, human kind, equality. (Life of Christ...)

The Background

The pantone blue background - instilling calm, confidence and connection this enduring blue hue highlights our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era. (Life of Christ...)

The Lettering

White is also the liturgical colour of Christmas and Easter. This is the symbol of light and purity. It speaks of youth, happiness, the harvest, hospitality, love and benevolence. (From the light...)

colours colours