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Blessed Christopher Wharton Catholic Academy Trust

Inclusion Strategy


The Trust is committed to ensuring that all of their schools offer an inclusive approach for all children within their care. There is shared responsibility and understanding that every action is underpinned by the need to adhere to the SEND Code of Practice and the drive to embed a graduated approach. The academy schools will ensure that they have a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment in which all of our children will thrive, feel valued and belong. Practitioners will be aspirational for all of our learners regardless of presenting needs and will embed high quality teaching alongside bespoke and individualised planned provision where appropriate.

The Trust has a vision to ensure that all of their schools are well supported and best placed to support the children and families within their communities. They all sign up to implement their ‘best endeavours’.

Vision Statement

Serving our God: protecting the most vulnerable in society

Serving our children: inclusion for all: having high aspirations: the whole child toolbox for life

Serving our people: QFT developing stakeholders (parents/carers/community) staff at all levels

Serving our leaders: collaborative element of SENDCo work. Learning communities SIGs, Networks. Governance, Trust Board

Serving our Family of Schools: Central team Agreements where are they? Cohesion. Fair access, consistency, community vulnerable families

Serving our Environment: Bradford LA co-operation, buildings, provision appropriate to the children creating equity/fair access. Adaptations

Key Priorities & Strategy


  • Ensure all SENDCos are compliant within 3 years (securing the National Qualification)
  • Annual Trust rolling programme of CPD
  • Develop school-to-school CPD support (Hub of Excellence/Support/
  • Specialism)
  • Funding the release of Support staff for CPD
  • Review processes via external specialism

Identification of needs

  • Early identification
  • Central Trust Team recruited to support Early identification/assessment
  • Implementation/robust graduated response
  • Accessing the right level of support at each point (internal and external support)
  • Effective support and challenge of other agencies (LA)
  • Analysis of needs across schools: create a central SEND system where Trust wide SEND needs can be updated regularly and then used for monitoring.
  • Involvement of parents/carers
  • Effective communication staff and parents/carers


  • Agreed expectations for learning environments:
    • Accessible
    • Communication friendly
    • Links to other environments such as specialist settings
    • Seeing other schools


  • Support for transition 6-7
  • Primary/Secondary sharing each other’s schools
  • Communication and paperwork is ready for transition
  • Set date for Trust school transition meeting
  • Pupil voice document/video for transition
  • Establish Primary and Secondary working group particularly Yr 6-7 transition ensuring:
    • Curriculum sequencing
    • Identification of teaching and delivery
    • Potentially impact upon the SCITT/ECT training package by ensuring that all new practitioners have to have an induction where they are experiencing the Primary/Secondary approach


  • Appraisals for all staff with a specific focus on inclusion
  • Inclusion strategy is represented on the SDP
  • Inclusions action plan in place
  • Vision feeds through each aspect
  • Governance is strong in inclusion
  • Curriculum leads link inclusion into their curriculum planning, evaluation and monitoring
  • Collaborative working to support leaders in their role
  • Supervision of leaders of schools and inclusion

Assessment of needs

  • Agreement of assessment packages such as Wellcomm, BSquared, PIVATs
    External specialists to support the assessment of needs: potentially centrally commission Educational Psychology and SALT (Speech and Language Therapy)
  • Support development of own SENDCo team of specialist assessors for Cognition and Learning specific learning needs such as Dyslexia.

High Quality Teaching and adaptive teaching

  • Checklist of adaptations/QFT:
    • ELKLAN and communication friendly scripting across schools
    • Attachment and trauma informed school practice
    • Attachment and trauma informed Behaviour/Relational Policies
    • Inclusive environments
    • Sensory regulation
    • Emotional regulation
  • Visually adapted environments including layering into the curriculum
  • Embedded APDR (Assess, plan, do review) SEN review cycles that are owned by the class teachers and shared with the pupil and families
  • APDR to feed into informing the planning for the individuals and overarching adaptive teaching
  • QA monitoring cycles to ensure that high quality teaching and adaptive teaching is in place
  • Carefully sequenced and planned curriculum that enables leaners with identified needs to achieve and make progress alongside their peers.
  • A broad and balanced curriculum that offers a wide breadth of extra-curricular opportunities that all of our children are enabled to access
  • Flexible teaching and adaptations to enable interventions to be teacher led and for children to access learning within the mainstream classroom
  • Interventions that are: informed by assessment, are focused upon progress against desired outcomes and are reviewed within a timely manner in terms of impact.

View the full document here:

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